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  • CodeTriage

    Pick your favorite repos and receive a different open issue in your inbox every day. Fix the issue and everybody wins! 71,669 developers are working on 7,712 open source repos using CodeTriage.
  • First Contributions

    Beginner in open-source ? This site will help you in making your first open-source contribution in five minutes.
  • Geeksrepos

    Whether you're a beginner or experienced,this site will help you to find different open source projects to start your journey.
  • Good First Issues

    Looking for good first issues based on your tech stack? This website will help you find them.
  • Hubdev is a developer resource platform featuring a categorized collection of tools and resources. It uses advanced semantic search powered by Vercel, OpenAI, and Supabase to help developers find specific tools for UI, testing, authentication.
  • Material Design

    Material Design is an open-source design system by Google. It provides guidelines and resources for designing digital experiences.
  • Open Source Guides

    This site is like a 101 for open-source. It’ll enlighten you on Open Source and various other elements involved in it.
  • Up for grabs

    This is a list of projects which have curated tasks specifically for new contributors. These are a great way to get started with a project, or help share the load of working on open source projects.